Distance Reiki (60 min.)
Sliding scale offered to QTIPOC and Black folk. Please message me for more information!
Service Description
Distance Healing is a method to send reiki healing energy through time and space via the astral plane. I will be present with you through Zoom or phone call. We will begin with intention setting and debrief together following the session. 60 minutes are dedicated to Reiki and the remaining time booked will be utilized to check in and debrief. Reiki is an ancient energy practice that promotes physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological, and energetic healing. There are many benefits to receiving Reiki and a variety of research studies point to the therapeutic advantages which include, but are not limited to, improved sleep, emotional balance, reduced physical pain, accelerating recovery of surgery/illness/accidents, and connects you deeper to your own spiritual practice and guides. Reiki encourages your body to heal by unblocking stagnant energy as well as realigning and balancing your main 7 chakras. **Sliding scale offered to QTIPOC and Black folk! Please message me for more information!***
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact me at least 24 hours in advance!
Contact Details
Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, USA